What Are The Best New Corporate Gift Trends For Holiday 2020?

  • Aug 6, 2020

2020 is definitely the year you'll want to reward your hard-working employees and loyal clients.  What a year huh?  I don't want to jinx myself, but I have my eye on an "I Survived 2020" tshirt.  I won't pull the trigger until we're closer to December 31st though.   2020's taken a few swings and misses at me, but it's not out of at-bats yet.

In January I would have imagined an entirely different post when I chose my curated list of the top corporate gifts of 2020.  Definitely the top one now that I would not have included are UV phone sanitizers.  A few years ago, the cool kids over on Shark Tank came out with Phone Soap.  Most people really didn't know about it, but techy types definitely did.  We've been sending these out to special clients this year, and it's really a home run.  But if it's not in your budget, there have been plenty of new additions this year, for obvious reasons.  I am going to show you the Phone Soap first, and then beneath that, my favorite new UV sanitizer box that just came out last month.  You cannot go wrong gifting your clients or employees with either of these.   You can click on the pictures for item details. 


hottest corporate gifts of 2020



best corporate gifts of 2020





Speaking of UV Sanitization, one of my favorite new items of the year, is this awesome water bottle.  Both functionally and aesthetically because this is beautiful and it purifies your water in under 5 minutes.   AND it comes in  amazing retail-level packaging. 


corporate holiday gift trends 2020



I feel like everybody wants to be cozy right now.  Listen to some great tunes (and I will be getting to that shortly) and sipping some tea or hot chocolate.  These are my top two picks for that vibe.  I would get these and tuck a packet of Godiva hot chocolate inside the box, and boom, stop drilling you struck oil.  I wouldn't be able to choose between these they are both so awesome!  It's a matter of taste really.   And you can do anything with the imprint on these, screen, laser etching, or an elegant tone-on-tone etch.  Both models also come in retail-level packaging.  You just can't go wrong.


2020's corporate gift trends



2020's best new corporate gifts


Whenever I read about how people are coping with 2020 and especially the pandemic, meditation, wellness, comfort, and relaxation are always in the mix.    For this reason I chose some of our best spa and relaxation gift sets for holiday 2020.  


best corporate holiday wellness gifts 2020





best corporate gifts for employees 2020


best corporate gifts for clients 2020



Music and streaming probably saved a lot of people this year.  I know they saved me!   I want to present a few superior blue tooth speakers, and all of these have full color digital imprint capability.  So there is no limit to what you can do.   Do you have a NYC-based client base?  We can imprint a jpeg of the NYC skyline on any of these.  That goes for any city.  Or any picture.  It's really amazing what can be done, and if you need ideas, well, we've got an entire team of talented art pros who will get to work on virtuals for you. 



2020's best corporate gifts for clients



2020's top corporate client gifts




holiday 2020 best corporate gifts for clients





new corporate gifts for clients 2020



Staying with tunes for a moment, I love the next two items.  Very budget-friendly and still awesome Air-Buds.  We can easily and affordably do a full color imprint on these.  Both are the same, but the second one comes with an accessories package, including a silicone carrying case. 


the best corporate gifts of 2020



hot corporate gift trends for 2020




Here is something completely out of the box.  Well, two somethings actually.  These are dance bots, and they are amazing and FUN!  Quite unique.  If you are looking to really hit it big and leave a forever impression. 


2020's top employee gifts





2020's best corporate gifts




Okay, now, let's talk food.  If it weren't for wine and sex, food would be the best topic of all.  We can talk wine a little bit, because later I want to show you my absolute favorite wine gift set, one that I use constantly.  Sex, we probably can't talk about, and if you're looking for advice, I'm not a good bet anyway.   There's a reason I'm quarantining alone you know.  Okay, food.  First up, let's talk Godiva.


best corporate food gifts 2020


Snag Your Swag can handle all of your Godiva needs, including imprinted red ribbons with your logo in gold on repeat.  It's such a great look!  We can also handle fulfillment, you just have to provide us with your client names and addresses and we take care of the rest.   We did these last year for our clients and the reception was so fantastic we are probably going to have to do it again.   People just absolutely loved receiving these.


My other top corporate food gift recommendation is Fairytale Brownies.   There's really no way to describe just how delicious these are honestly.  


2020's top trends in corporate gifts



That's just one  option, there are so many choices in this line, we can customize it to your needs.  We sent these to our clients last Halloween with a special "BOO-licious" Happy Halloween card (that comes with) and again, the response was amazing.  Like the Godiva, we can handle your fulfillment on this if you choose.  Or, we can ship them all straight to you.  It's your choice. 


Finally, here is my favorite wine gift of all time.  I use this constantly.  I love filling the Growler with my chilled rosé and bringing it down to the pool with the wine tumbler.  Both keep the wine chill all day.  And keep the bugs out of your wine glass!  Which I love too.  We can do amazing things with decoration on this, whether it be full color, or my favorite, the 360' Chisel.  That's really engraving.  It looks amazing.  You can chisel "Thank You" in 50 different languages all over these if you'd like.  Or anything else you want.  Nobody is tossing these, that's for sure.  


best corporate gifts 2020


Also, please browse and bookmark our corporate gift showroom found here.  We are constantly updating it as new trends develop and new swag is released.  We don't miss a trick and now neither will you!

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  • Tags: corporate holiday gift trends 2020, 2020's best corporate gifts