The Top Corporate Gift Trends For Your 2020 Return To Work

  • Jun 12, 2020

Today I want to address two issues corporate America is currently facing.  The first is reopening, and the second, and sometimes concurrent issue, is keeping at-home workers engaged.  Some companies are reopening and calling all employees back, others are making the decision to keep most of their staff working from home through the summer, and perhaps, through the year.  And still others are balancing both of these situations, with a large part of their staff returning, a large part continuing to work from home, or all employees working staggered days from home and coming into the office.

For companies calling all, most, or just some employees back to work, one of the most common questions we get is; how can we help keep our employees safe in the workplace? 

We definitely have a lot of options for that. 

The first one I want to address is face masks.  Please remember you don't have to just put your logo on these!  You can have some fun!   Click on any pictures below for more product information.


custom face masks with logo 

trending promotional products 2020

promotional product trends 2020



I actually want to make some of these warning coworkers not to even think about heating up their fish in the microwave.  That is a big pet peeve of mine.  Another pet peeve I have involves bathrooms, but I'll leave it at that. 


You can also do our full sublimation masks to create a unique branded face mask for your company or organization.  Snag Your Swag's creative team is happy to assist you with the art on these.  You can also add your logo to one of our stock sublimated masks, like the American flag:


american flag face masks



With our full bleed dye sublimated face masks, there's really nothing we can't do.   You can also add on our dye sublimated ear savers:


trending promotional products 2020



No-Touch Tools are very popular right now, of course.  Here is one of our favorite models that is perfect for the office and other workspaces:


ppe for the office




Sanitizing Stations are a must.  We have a lot of custom options on these, and a lot of new options as well.  Call us on this, we will discuss your needs and consult with you on what options will best fit them.


sanitizing station for office



These are just some of the ways we can assist you in keeping employees safe.  We can also keep you supplied with regular hand sanitizers, latex gloves, goggles, disposable masks, etc. 


You also are working hard to keep your at-home staff engaged with your brand and your company ethos.   Companies putting employees first, and taking care of them, expressing concern, offering help, are forging bonds that will not be easily frayed.   One of the best things your company can do is send out weekly emails touching base with at-home workers, asking if they are alright?  Do they need any help?  Offering virtual therapy from qualified professionals the company pays for will go a long way during this ongoing pandemic.  Especially for employees who are feeling isolated, lonely, scared, or are perhaps grieving a loss.   I would put that kind of corporate outreach as number one on any list I was going to make.


How to keep them engaged with your brand and corporate ethos?  Well, one of my favorite things for that is cool corporate merch.  Especially tshirts.    Here are a few of my favorites, and remember, we have a very talented design team who can work with you in creating an awesome design.  I am partial to a distressed font, but we can do anything, and in close consultation with you.  You don't have to do this alone, and you can have lots of input and of course, final creative control.  But you don't have to do it alone.


Love this first one for its softness, its pocket, and because the price includes up to FIVE colors in your imprint.   Click on pictures for more details.


custom tshirts with logo





And love this one for its amazing price which includes a 1-2 location imprint, and, get this, up to EIGHT imprint colors.  That's amazing.  


corporate apparel 2020




Send them an experience.  Oh yes, you can do that! 

Snag Your Swag's Do-It-Yourself Ice Cream Kit Box.


employee gifts 2020


Snag Your Swag's Movie Night Mailer Box


employee gifts 2020



We've got lots more experiential ideas, and we can also custom create an experience for your at-home employees, and also for your clients!

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  • Tags: best swag of 2020, hot trade show givaways 2020,