The Best Corporate Gifts of 2017: Mindfulness, Wellness, and Happiness
Snag Your Swag sees Wellness, Happiness, and Mindfulness continuing strong into 2018. If you can give the gift of wellness, or a gift that can help create a quiet, soothing space, it will last through 2018 and beyond. We all need a space or a state of mind to get away from it all. To disconnect from our devices, our twitters, and the 24 hour "BREAKING NEWS!!!" culture we live in. And that's just the world at large. Our own private little worlds can be filled with anxiety and responsibilities, and
Awwww, the face of chocolate-smeared cuteness, right? Right. That's my niece. An adorable little bundle of...non-stop energy. This girl takes no prisoners and bosses me around constantly. Throws the phone at me "Call Grandma! Now!" jumps off stairs, sofas, window sills, whatever she can climb onto in the, literally, 1.5 seconds I'm not watching her like a hawk. She is also a carrier for every virus, flu, and cold that is going around, and has nearly taken me out five or six times. All while smiling that smile. And I'm just the aunt. I get to hand her off to her parents at the end of my babysitting gig. And go have a drink. Or four. So yes, I can use some mindfulness and so can her mom!
Take a look at some of our wellness, happiness, and mindfulness picks below. Click on the pictures for more information.
And don't forget to browse Snag Your Swag's picks for Best Corporate Gifts of 2017 here.